A Horse And Water
12/30/2022 A lot not getting posted haha. But that's ok. I'm trying to reach my goal of at least one a day. Plus, this is therapy for me as well. To get things off my chest. Things I don't usually say out loud. Things I don't want to think about because they aren't the type of things you want to think about. Sometimes. I've made this so as not to imply anyone. It's just something eating me at the moment, and I want to write about it. Get it off my chest. There is a person. I'll leave it at that. This person I love very much. I don't blame this person for certain things, as times were very hard and quite a few bad things were happening at that point in time where "certain things" needed help with. There, I'll leave it at that. I just hate that I try to help this person, I try to give solutions, to the best of my current ability, and they are not taken. Now sure, I may be able to push the boundaries a bit, but why? So...