
Showing posts from September, 2020

All These Words I Don't Just Say

I used to winder what older writers did before there were blogs, back in the day. And then I found letters they wrote to other writers, or articles posted in publications. I didn't do too much digging into this, because I'd slaked the thirst of that which I was looking for. But what they said made me think. They were just as insecure and worried about the same things--they just worded it differently. More eloquently, if I could say? To see them write about these things made them seem more human, but perhaps it was the method of posting, or the way they made it more of an essay that distinguished the time. But they did it as well. Eh, just thought that was interesting. And I was testing more of the theory I had in the last post. Be genuine. Of course you can say what you feel, but perhaps watch how you say it? I don't know, just some thoughts. Cryptic. Maybe. Like that phrase from Nothing Else Matters by Metallica: "All these words I don't just say." ...

The Umbrella Academy Series Review

Gary and I review The Umbrella Academy. As usual, we had a fun time shooting this. I had a bit of a challenge getting this edited. Many things got in the way, one that stood out was a tree falling on power lines right outside my home, knocking out power for a just about a week.  It's been nuts, but finally got it done.  Working on a new "What We're About" video, and then have another one before we record again. And I want to do something fun for Halloween. Maybe we'll eat a bag of candy corns while we record. Or some pumpkin Peeps. Who knows.  Anyway, hope you enjoy the video and if you did, please consider liking and sharing. And of course, please subscribe. I've made it easy, you can do it right here.  See you next time.  WCM

Step Back

I put a pumpkin out the other day. Reminded me of the past Falls, of when things were normal. With all this craziness in the world, it makes me think about how there are still things that are normal. I disconnect and the thoughts come back, why I wanted to do this in the first place is realized. The madness that bombards us when we press the power button to the devices that allow the world to flow into our homes is quelled, if only momentarily. We control what is consumed--what we need enough of to understand what is going on to make a decision for survival. But that is another subject. Right now I am at work as I write this portion of this post. When I post it I may be at home, but thoughts are flooding in and I am wondering what the heck? But here we are, and here the thoughts come. There is a virtue in looking at the good in everything, the bright side, as the saying goes. Well, I've read that the bright side to all this insanity going on, the quarantining in par...