Are Writers Crazy?
This is an interesting subject. Stephen King said (I use him a lot, it's just there was a time when I did a lot of research on him and know a bit about him) in an article--this after a youth did the unthinkable to students in Virginia Tech--about if his college writing would raise red flags. Steven said he probably would have been tabbed as mentally ill. The stories that come from a horror writer could definitely be used or recounted in a police report or news article as evidence against a person who commits murder, or becomes a serial killer. Some might say, "Oh yeah, that's no surprise." Some writing content certainly shows the output for potential violence of a person. There's the kid who is bullied and writes about getting even, he can't be on the football team, he's not "cool," everyone picks on him. He writes about characters that have the attributes he wants and one day polishes them and gets them published. He used his energy...