We are here alone. No matter how many people are around us, we are inside our heads and until someone figures out a way to penetrate our thoughts, we will always be alone. Even as we vacate this world. I enjoy playing my PS4, Call of Duty is one I'm currently playing. It's a bit harder than previous iterations, but I'm getting down the learning curve and getting a better kill to death ratios. I get on the battleground and go against many others from all around the world, and all other systems (this version of the game can do that). What I do is jump into a game and shoot, blindly sometimes, and I get some other players on the other team, and I rejoice, and then BAM, I'm a gonner, and then I come back and do it all over again, and again, until the session ends some five to ten minutes later. I shoot, kill, and then die. I try to get as many as possible. Each time I take down someone on the other team, I propel my team towards an overall win. I do my be...