You come into this world alone, and you will leave the same way. No matter how you want to think differently, the truth is we are alone inside our heads. If you think otherwise, you're only fooling yourself. And there are things no one else will ever know that lurk inside the folds of your grey matter. Things that horror reminds us of. Now, for writers, we get to tap into that stuff. The stuff that would otherwise label you as perhaps crazy, or an outcast, to those who don't want to admit to those bizarre things we think about at night as we stare a the ceiling and everything is set free to run wild inside. Everyone has these thoughts, whether they want to believe it or not. Stephen King touched on it in Lizzy's Story, where her husband went into a place in his head to write stories. She, of course, goes to that place in the book. But that's for you to read about. We all have these places inside our minds. Sometimes special, sometimes down