
Showing posts from 2020

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

  Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Gary and I are back and we talk about the holiday season and even a little horror in this episode that plunges me back into editing and creativity.  I feel a bit rusty, but I'll get there.  Hope you enjoy. We'll be back soon. God willing for the New Years special.  Please subscribe here: See you next time.  R.I.P. Sadie girl. You will be greatly missed.  WCM

Recorded New Episodes

  Recorded a couple new shows Sunday with Gary . I am going to work on them this week and try to get them out. Let me not say try. I WILL get them out.  I'm going to do something new, as I like to attempt with each show. There are aspects that will stay the same, by choice. I feel keeping a certain look and feel (at this time) is necessary. But I recorded our whole conversation to make sure I get anything cool I might miss otherwise.  There were some pretty funny moments in these two episodes. And loads of pieces I try to capture with each show.  One of the most important underlying themes throughout these new shows is to do what is important to you. Don't listen to others. And I'm not just saying that as a cliché. In the old days, writers who had to send their work out via snail-mail didn't have instant gratification of acceptation. They worked in solitude. Most of what they got back, after waiting weeks, was rejection. They sat back down and tried again and ag...

Amazon Blog?

I was checking out Amazon and looking around, you know Black Friday, etc. And I was looking at some author stuff and realized on my author page that my blog posts go there. Ha ha.  I had totally forgot.  I am slowly getting back my creativity. Shut off the news. Drinking tons of coffee. And slowly mapping out a strategy, a trajectory for my writing.  I want to write, but I open a Word document, or this blog, and lose something. The feeling, a thought.  Some may call it writers block, but I don't think so.  I have another post I had made, had the pictures, and abandoned it. I may still do it.  Let's see.  Going to work on the YouTube channel, as well. There has been a lot I've learned during this contemplation.  A lot.  Talk soon.  WCM

Halloween Special 2020

  Happy Halloween. Hope it's a safe one.  Just put up the new video Gary and I did. There were some technical issues, but we were able to make it work in the end--and possibly even make it more funny.  Hope you enjoy, and if you did, please like, share and subscribe.  See you next time.  WCM

Sitting On Things

  I have been sitting on posts, making the mistake of not writing them directly here. I, instead, write them in an email and send them to myself to look over later--yet I overlook them, instead.  So, tonight perhaps, I will try and get some of those ideas on here. One is particularly fun involving coffee leaves. Oh yes, they're back.  That and I have to really try and push out the YouTube videos.  Talk soon.  WCM

What We're About UPDATED

I've updated the intro video to the channel. Check it out. And please subscribe while you're there.   Thank you.  WCM 

All These Words I Don't Just Say

I used to winder what older writers did before there were blogs, back in the day. And then I found letters they wrote to other writers, or articles posted in publications. I didn't do too much digging into this, because I'd slaked the thirst of that which I was looking for. But what they said made me think. They were just as insecure and worried about the same things--they just worded it differently. More eloquently, if I could say? To see them write about these things made them seem more human, but perhaps it was the method of posting, or the way they made it more of an essay that distinguished the time. But they did it as well. Eh, just thought that was interesting. And I was testing more of the theory I had in the last post. Be genuine. Of course you can say what you feel, but perhaps watch how you say it? I don't know, just some thoughts. Cryptic. Maybe. Like that phrase from Nothing Else Matters by Metallica: "All these words I don't just say." ...

The Umbrella Academy Series Review

Gary and I review The Umbrella Academy. As usual, we had a fun time shooting this. I had a bit of a challenge getting this edited. Many things got in the way, one that stood out was a tree falling on power lines right outside my home, knocking out power for a just about a week.  It's been nuts, but finally got it done.  Working on a new "What We're About" video, and then have another one before we record again. And I want to do something fun for Halloween. Maybe we'll eat a bag of candy corns while we record. Or some pumpkin Peeps. Who knows.  Anyway, hope you enjoy the video and if you did, please consider liking and sharing. And of course, please subscribe. I've made it easy, you can do it right here.  See you next time.  WCM

Step Back

I put a pumpkin out the other day. Reminded me of the past Falls, of when things were normal. With all this craziness in the world, it makes me think about how there are still things that are normal. I disconnect and the thoughts come back, why I wanted to do this in the first place is realized. The madness that bombards us when we press the power button to the devices that allow the world to flow into our homes is quelled, if only momentarily. We control what is consumed--what we need enough of to understand what is going on to make a decision for survival. But that is another subject. Right now I am at work as I write this portion of this post. When I post it I may be at home, but thoughts are flooding in and I am wondering what the heck? But here we are, and here the thoughts come. There is a virtue in looking at the good in everything, the bright side, as the saying goes. Well, I've read that the bright side to all this insanity going on, the quarantining in par...

Lawn Work Revisited

Pain... Pain medication...  And water. Must. Have. Water. And maybe some asthma pump. Let's see.  Not a wise idea to do this during a heat wave. But didn't do all. Just enough to, you guessed it, not get a ticket. Lol.  WCM 

Lawn Work

Oh hey! Will here. Going out to do some lawn work before I get a ticket for it being too high.  The heat has been insane, and thus has taken a toll on my ability to go outside. It's still hot today, but I have to do a little. Don't want a ticket.  Thought I'd drop on here and empty a thought, or two.  Been a bit crazy heading back to work. Stressful and getting busy again.  I am planning a few big things for YouTube and have been jotting down ideas for stories I plan on getting back into.  I've just about had it with social media, at least the always connected aspect of it. No time to think, or even connect with things I like on it.  Nothing wrong with it, just has to be used in the right way.  Well, those are my thoughts for now. Gotta get to the lawn.  No ticket, remember?  Talk soon.  Check out the YouTube channel while you're at it, and subscribe if you like the content. Also, let me know what you'd like to see, o...

Halloween Movie Review

Gary and I review Halloween 2018. This one takes place right after the first movie, except 40 years later.  Some familiar names come back and play a roll in it's creation.  It may be late, but perhaps it's not too late being the sequel to it is supposedly coming out this Halloween.  Check it out. And if you enjoy our efforts, place consider liking, sharing and subscribing to the channel.  Thank you, and see you next time.  WCM

Different Perspective, So Many Paths

It's been a while since you've been on.  Yeah, well, it's been quite busy. Last week I started going back into the office, as well. Things are moving forward, just hope it stays moving forward.  God willing.  I ponder. With all that is going on today in the writing world, how does a writer write?  No, I don't mean to find the time. No matter what, if you want to write, you will find those moments.  Real talk.  Good subject.  Anything these days can set off someone else. But a new trend is happening (over years, but fairly new) where you can be shut down over thoughts or opinions.  That's bad enough, but put that aside, what's the main thought.  Now, writers write, right?  Of course.  But these days, it can be a bit daunting when you worry about how every keystroke may be one more closer to getting you "Cancelled."  But as a writer you must write. You must have characters with different view points. I mea...

The Lodge Movie Review

It's been a while, but just put up a new episode of Horror with Marchese and Buller. In this episode, Gary and I talk about The Lodge movie.  I've tried some new things, mostly time frame stuff and slightly different techniques. Always trying to learn new things.  Please, if you like what you see, subscribe, like and share to everyone. Comment, let us know what you like, or would like to see in future videos.  You can subscribe here: Thank you, and see you next time.  WCM

Another Nitro Cold Brew - Look at That Line!

I had to go somewhere, so I couldn't make coffee. I decided to go to Starbucks again and wow. The line was pretty long. And once I was on it, the cars filled in behind me.  The other day it wasn't to bad. Or maybe I just got there at an opportune moment.  Either way, I needed that caffeine.  WCM

Random Starbucks Sticker

  Had to pick up some Starbucks the other day. It's been long enough and I hadn't had my coffee for the day.  I saw that random Starbucks sticker on the wall, seemed like a cool picture.  I got the Nitro Cold Brew with salted sweat cream foam. So good. Sugar gave me a strong rush, though. Not too cool.  Drive through seemed to have saved them in this craziness. Same with a lot of fast food places. Check out my experience in this whole thing here . Now get out and get some sun! WCM 


Gary and I talk about how things are going where we live in this episode where we talk about being on LOCKDOWN during the virus outbreak. It's a long episode, but in it we discuss business in the neighborhood, how we exercise and I even throw in a few dishes I'm cooking during the pandemic. Check it out above and please, w e need your help! Like and Share any videos on the channel you like, and SUBSCRIBE! I've made it easy, just hit the button below. Thank you! WCM

Almost Done

It's been a bit crazy lately getting used to working from home and other little issues here and there. But the new episode of Horror with Marchese and Buller is almost finished.  It took a little longer not only because of what's been going on, but also because the raw video was over 40 minutes. I've cut it down considerably, but most of the points are still there. I've cut the stuff that went off subject a bit and placed it at the end, for those who can't get enough of Gary and I--haha. But I think it's a relevant video in these times, and I only have a little polishing to do before it's ready. Will hopefully be Thursday.  Then I'll just have to make the thumbnail. I'm also trying new techniques, minor things, but they might make the show move along faster.  We'll see.  If you'd like to check out the channel, you can HERE .  Please share the videos if you like them, like and subscribe here.  It really means a lot.  WCM 

Supermarket Rant

  Going to the supermarket is like one of those movies where you get suited up to go into an infected building. A building with food and drink.  It wouldn't be so bad if people followed rules. Not that anyone is wrong, I guess. But one is saying follow the arrows, others don't listen. And others do something totally different.  Some ask to walk by you, while others get up close.  I'm like, come on!  Make some rules and go by them.  Other than that, it sometimes feels like one of those game shows where you're given a certain amount of money and asked to go into the supermarket and grab as much as you can before the timer runs out haha.  Well. I can say one thing. When I take the mask off the air actually tastes good. Sweet. Makes you realize how much we take things for granted.  If anything, I hope people realize this was a wake up call. Not for corruption and politics and all that hoopla.But a wake up call for life and what shou...

A Life

Tentacles expand from within the center. A center that keeps moving on down the hall. It has to be exact.  Tentacles? Cliche? Some like, some don't.  There are many external stimuli which alter the direction of the center. Will it come to the same point designated originally? Those slippery tentacles (I know) prod and learn every corner and surface. Sliding as the center movies. Perhaps. Maybe with a slightly different reality, perspective--alternating constantly.  Maybe it never comes to the same point intended, maybe it grows a life not devised from the start. The outside pushing in? Or the other way.  A life grows, a true life.  It breaths, it feels. Perhaps more than what was initially conceived. But that's okay. That's perfect. That's what I want.  Like ingredients plopped into a boiling cauldron, what comes out is completely different. I slip my fingers around the rim and push, spilling it all across the shinny clean floors, down the hall....

Can It Be Done?

Sure. Anything can be done. I know this.  I guess the question is, will it be done?  I've absorbed lessons I've learned along the way--lessons that perhaps can't be used for other individuals. Maybe some others can. But I have an idea of what needs to be done for me. I took what I saw and pieced together a plan that I need to move forward.  Of course you never stop learning, but at the point where I've opened the door and turned on the lights, looking around and gauging the obstacles ahead, I'd basically have the base I'll be building things from. I see it, I can almost feel and taste it.  Well, I know the next step.  I had a plan a few years back. I stepped off the path a bit, strayed from the objective slightly. I learned and I move on.  Some great things came even from that drifting off my path. And who even knows if the path I had started on was the right one?  I think I had a great idea though, and will look back into that...

Haven't Really Been Feeling It

Snow in May 2020 I get a few ideas, then save them and go back to something else I'm doing, feeling excited I thought of another idea I'd like to post on my blog.  When I come back later, with another possible idea, I remember I had a post or two half done, prior, and feel terrible.  I shouldn't. I remind myself that this is a place for my thoughts. Those thoughts just didn't fully form, I guess.  Right?  Maybe.  Either way, perhaps it was a thought I pondered posting on social media and that got me nervous about continuing.  Is it good enough for that?  Does that matter?  Yeah, I guess it does.  It could just be an idea i'd like to share, even if it's not totally polished.  Are people even reading this? I look at the analytics and it says yes, from many countries.  Hey, I don't get comments, but one thing I hope--the same with the YouTube stuff--if I could entertain someone the way I'm entertained on ...

Chinese Food Dinner -- Support Your Local Businesses

So yesterday I was at my local pizza place, and noticed that the Chinese restaurant I usually go to was open again. They've been closed pretty much this whole time. They said it was their supply place.  But they were open and I knew Chinese would be on the menu sometime this week.  So my wife and I decided to get it tonight. And it was like old times. Plus, it's important to support local businesses as this is a very hard time for so many. If you can, try to support.  I found out that there might have been another Chinese place opened close by, but this particular one has a very high rating and has great tasting, restaurant style fare.  So get out there. Support! Food is safe. Just make sure to wear a mask. Or face covering.  WCM

More Comfortable on Blog

Weird as it may sound (or maybe not so weird, depending on your relationship with social media), posting on my blog is a more comfortable undertaking than to do so on social media.  Maybe because on social media you put something out there with hopes people responding, you anticipate positive reactions. Maybe waiting for the interaction is part of the downside? Likes, and such. And it can get shot down with negative interactions, or even no interactions. There's also the anxiety of what will people think.  Many people post their daily involvements with the world. Some enjoy this, some may roll their eyes, some simply ignore it. Perhaps it's a skill that can be honed you don't feel you have as of yet. You can always build that, though.  Then there are the negative aspects to social media--some already mentioned above. Being bombarded with news where you really don't want it.  There are other reasons, and I've gone over them here and there on this blog and...