
Showing posts from January, 2018

Midweek Thoughts 1/31/2018

Writing realistic speach.  I try to write dialogue as realistic as possible, but there has to be a limit where you stop, because conversation in general is long and unfocused for the most part.  I’ve read a lot of articles confirming people are boring when they talk. There is a bunch of silence and ums and uhs. Sometimes people don’t talk at all.  I remember when I was in my teens, even a bit older, too, just sitting there on the phone with a friend. You watched TV, listened to music--what have you.  Sometimes I’d pick up the phone and naturally we’d say hey and go into the silence. It was sort of like hanging out. Back to the point.  Conversation can be boring.  Now, some of the UHs and Ums might work, not too much stuttering, maybe a little going back and forth before the pay-off sentence is spoken?  Like, instead of saying:  “I really like you.”  “I really like you, too”  It can go:  ...

Monday Motivation 1/29/2018

Monday is here, and it will be gone just as fast. Dont fret. Something that's been on my mind this weekend is how to structure stories. Meaning how to go about it?  Vague, sorry.  I know it has to feel natural. Some like to just tell the story flat out, and then in other paragraphs/chapters go back and tell the different parts. Past or future.  Some like to go back and forth inside the sentence and tell a story within the story. Perhaps similar to small frame stories throughout?  If not done natural, or this does not work out smoothly, it can confuse the reader. I've seen writers execuexe this in different ways, perhaps it's just the easiest way they see fit to tell the tale.  Their voice. How do you go about it? Have you found your voice, or are you still searching? Does this Monday post even make sense to this frazzeled Monday-mind?  Let me know in the comments below, or on Twitter @Wcmarchese Hope to see you there. WCM

Friday Musings 1/26/2018

Anyone notice how fast the days are going? January is almost through and it feels we just got to the new year.  Writing makes life go faster, too. I try to slow down and think of new things to learn, new posts to ask fellow writers to conjure thought and new ideas.  Then it popped into my head. How character's are created and made real.  This idea sparked from a post I read about Jack Ketchum (Rest in Peace), where he says something in the manner of trying to leave the world a little better for you having written in it.  Those posts sparked in my, who really is to tell  you how to write a scene, or character? You give them attributes that you feel reflect real life, from things that have happened to you in life. If it rings true, it rings true, but you don't have to do it like others.  You are you.  Things that have happened to you, or interactions you've witnessed around you, shape what your writing will be. Of course you need some skills to...

Midweek Thoughts 1/24/2018

Made it to midweek. Got picked for a trial. Jury duty.  I’m thinking about social media. Yup. That thing that captures way too much of your time when you should be doing the thing you are posting and boasting about. And who are you advertising to? Well, if you’re a beginner, most likely other writers and artists. Nothing wrong with that, but there is a way, or ways, to get things out there and still make time for your writing and other activities. After all, if you don’t do those things that you are posting about, what will you be posting for? That one story you did 3 or 4 years ago? No. You have to create, and get things completed. Now. Then you can mess around, talk to buds, retweet and all that good stuff. Blog posts, like this one, are a good way to show a presence and keep in touch with like-minded individuals. And to even find out what people are up to, or how they go about their craft in their own methods. The whole point of Twi...

Motivation Monday 1/22/2018

It's Monday and I have jury duty. (update: didn't have to go, apparently you call in the day before to make sure your number has to come in. Maybe tomorrow) I can take notes and edit on my phone. Also, I have to finish up the cover for the next anthology.  I'm thinking today about that transition that happens when you're an "indie" author (I hate that title) and moving into success.  Hey, it could happen to anyone of us, at any moment. One day you're working your rear off and then BAM "We would like to offer you a deal, sign right here."  I've seen some go from communicating on social media, to seeming so busy they have no time for anything, like saying "hey."  They become a digital face on Twitter staring back with a neat little smile. Occasionally you'll get that tweet with a brief update, they're excited, and so on.  It's almost like a course you're put through. You must do this, you are a product now. D...

Friday Musings 1/19/2018

This Friday I am thinking about the different methods and styles of writing a story. I try to mix it up a bit with each story. It’s basically the same finish point, and my voice is the same for the most part, but I try different tactics to get things together. For instance. Dean Koontz writes his stories one page at a time, not moving forward until that first page is perfect. Stephen King just jumps in and writes as much as he can, letting the characters do their thing. Whatever outcome will come. J. K. Rowling has a board and plan of action for her stories. I am currently on a first draft of a short where I’m using a more Stephen King approach. So far it’s going well. I noticed a lot more dialogue is taking place with this approach, as though the characters are talking their way about, through my fingers. I liken what I’m doing, switching things up a bit, to musicians when they try different styles of music. You’ll get rockers playing reggae, or incorporating differen...

Midweek Thoughts 1/17/2018

This Wednesday, I’m feeling a bit down. And that’s normal. The question is, how fast do you get back up? I didn’t even feel like posting anything, because I didn’t have that motivation. It’s like everything is getting to my nerves. Not having time to write, trying to make time, sick of not being in the right mood to write when I happen to carve a bit of time. Everything is off. Most times when this happens, I just let it be. I go to sleep and when I wake next morning that energy and drive is there. There will always be those days when one feels everything is against them. Too many competing to become writers, no time, groups and cliques who make you feel inferior. I can go on, just insert anything that brings you down. But those things are nothing! Are you enjoying yourself? Are you doing what you want to do, your dream? Be aware, as well, there will be those who will try to bring you into that negative state of mind, because they may be jealous of what you...

Monday Motivation 1/15/2018

Happy Monday, I know you probably don't want to hear that. But it will be fine. Cherish these days, for in the end you'll wish you had them.  I have a day off today for Martin Luther King Jr day--great man--and haven't had time to do anything. Running around. You'd think being off from work would give a writer time to do his/her thing, but working at home can be disrupting, as well. You either have to catch up on chores and such, or other things need attending to. Plus family, which you don't want to neglect. It can seem overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. There are many ways to escape here and there, and you'll be doing the things you need to do. I'm pecking this away as I wait for my car to warn up. It's freezing here in NY.  Unsavory to some, but if done in the right and clean way, the bathroom is an excellent time to get a few writing things done. I've said it before and I'll say it again. My cell phone is one of the best...

Friday Musings 1/12/2018

Recently I was told by a writer buddy that it's funny how changing the ending of a story can alter the whole thing. I thought about something. What kind of story is the one-- THE one-- they want? Does it contain that catchy ending? An emotional one? Or is a mixture of the two, with the catchy part concealed and not outright disclosing itself for what it is. Possibly a gimmick?  Maybe.  It’s in the eye of the beholder (thought I was gonna say tiger, huh?), and I’m sure both are loved by many. But what gets your story sold? What do people come back time and time again for? What will create a lasting memory in the minds of many a different reader? Is it poetic, more literary prose? Or a written version of basically a movie in your head? At this point in time I have the idea that it could be anything, depending on the editor and what they want/need for the particular publication. Mainstream novels tend to be more meat and potatoes, while the more litera...

Midweek Thoughts 1/10/2018

Don’t throw that story out to the world so fast. Give it time. Some take many months working on a short story. Some can write one in a week. But how can you tell when a story is finished? I feel a story tells me when it’s done. Like, not literally, but, well, maybe? If writers hear voices and talk to themselves, then just maybe...  (I know I wasn't supposed to tell them about you, oh come on, they think this paragraph is a pathetic joke by some new blogger. Shhhhh.) Well, moving on. If you send out a project prematurely you may be setting yourself up for failure. Deadlights, I mean Deadlines. Yeah.  Ah, but that brings back good memories.  One time I wrote a story for an anthology. There was pressure for time, and my day job had become nuts, like usual. I couldn’t completely wrap my mind around completing this story. Plus, I was overworking to make up for less skills, because there were things I learned later that made the process a lot easier....

Monday Motivation 1/8/2018

Can you believe we're already at the 8th of the new year?  I'm thinking about a few things this Monday. Getting through the week and writing. Typing this out on my cell at work.  Still waiting on a submission I sent out in early December, and working on another last night,among a few others.  And I'm here sneaking out this post during the day job.  It gets down to a sort of grind.  Daily life, family, work etc.  Writing, reading, editing, repeat.  Send out every now and again, reflect on where you are, where you want to go. Shift expectations. Continue back at Daily life.  It just keeps going. There are some deviations to this, but for the most know.  I suppose this is how some writers decide if they're going to keep pushing forward, or call it quits.  How do you cope with the this? Does it drive  you crazy? And, as always, I still say to keep moving forward--you have to keep positive. But does it somet...

Friday Musings 1/5/2018

It's already the 5th of January, in 2018. Time is flying by.  Submitting work and waiting for it can make time seem to go by faster. I find I gauge my time in life on submissions sent out. Projects usually take a certain amount of time, and then after they're done, the next mission starts.  The clock keeps ticking.  It can make time seem like a track you stay on to get to each project.  And I think of how I'm not really making anything just yet, but I'm working on that part.  I find myself researching publications with a few things in mind:  How much do they pay? HWA says start from the top and move down. But always try to obtain payment. Don't sell yourself short. Though, sometimes there is a need to get published, even without compensation. There are promising start-ups, or big names that can get you in front of the eyes of many. Research!  How long they take to respond, or if they have a decent track record.  And one other of pr...

Midweek thoughts

This Wednesday I am thinking about self editing and if you know enough to do so.  Have you ever had that moment where something just doesn't seem right?  Well, that may be exactly that. Something isn't right. And if you can't find it, mark the part and show it to someone. Or you can rewrite the part. But don't settle. Your subconscious is telling you something isn't right.  It could be the difference between being published and not.  There are those who have no confidence in their editing, and don't have the luxury of a group. These writers pay someone. But don't be duped.  I've heard a friend say they were charged over a thousand dollars and didn't get their work back for better part of a year, if I remember correctly.  You don't have to have expert editing skills to make common sense choices. You just need an eye and experience. As you write more, you will aquire the skills. There are also plenty of books that teach the ba...

Monday Motivation 1/1/2018

Happy New Year!  Personification? How do you perceive yourself?  Like if you see yourself as Tony Stark before you sit down and start creating, you can get things done thinking you have your stuff together.  Or if you have a negative appearance of yourself, it may be a bit hard to create or get things done.  This can fall under muse, as well. Because if Tony Stark visits to help build your project like he built Iron Man, then you see where that's going, right?  If you have a negative muse show up, maybe someone who always told you your endeavors are impossible, then you won't get anything started, let alone out to the public. This can be someone who told you this at some point in time, and their words embody an anti-muse of sorts.  Who do you see yourself as when you create? Who or what is your muse that comes along when your start to create? Or do you feel the anti-muse from time to time?  It's a new year and time to sort things out....