Friday Musings 9/29/2017
This week I came to a realization. I had something in me when I first started, a raw energy that lent hope and brought out some pretty damn good moments in my writing. Then I went through multiple moments of doubt and worry. Am I good enough? Everyone knows what I want to do, and I'm such a loud mouth that if I don't do it I'll look like a looser. And there were more. Then I had moments where I felt great, on top of the world. I had, if memory serves me correctly, figured out something new, a different way of seeing things, and pushed on. I still had those days of self doubt, and maybe even gave up at certain moments. Yet I always got up the next day (and still do) with a refreshed attitude to go right back at it again. I had something new to work with. Of course sometimes it negated some older knowledge, but. I restructured and moved forward. At one point, a long moment in time haha, work piled on and life gripped with a desperate choke hold--some wanted, like my