Starting Weight Loss
Went a little post crazy today.
But that's okay. I find this is a better way to post my thoughts than social media. That rhymed!
My Fitbit died.
So, have been using Fitbit for quite some time now, maybe three or so years, I am familiar with the terrain. Recently my device bit the dust, though. I went without it for a few months, not digging the way it felt without seeing my sleep stats, or knowing how many steps I'd done for the day.
Then, for Christmas, my wife bought me the Charge 3 and I said I was going to finally loose weight. For health, not so much looks. I'd used the Fitbit's app to count calories before, so I knew how to do it--I just fell off. But this time I was going to stick to it and not stray off the path.
Now the fun part.
I've been doing this for a while, on and off, mostly using the device for sleep stats and steps. But since the holidays I've buckled down and started counting calories strictly from what the app tells me I can have.
I had been 320 at one point.

So here it is.

I have until August 24th, 2020. I'm going to stick to this and loose the weight. And maybe you'll come along for the ride, and maybe you'll join in. Either way, let's do this! Post any comments, or follow me on Twitter or Instagram.
I will try to post at least once a week with an update, or as I go lower on the scale. But it should be often. Let see what we can do!
More to come.