Sprint Note 9 Android 10 Update

I'm excited. Just got out of work and my wife texts me with a message she revived from Sprint. 
It states what I'd read on a site not too long ago about my phone getting a big update on February 24th. Not only will Note 9 be getting Android 10, but also Samsung's One UI 2. 

Looks like it impacts Calling PLUS. Don't think I really ever used that. Hope it's not a permanent issue, though. I'll have to look into that. 

I've been loving my Note 9. Had it for about a year now. It's hands down the best phone I've ever owned. People are getting this phone instead of the Note 10, because of the lower price. 

Back to the news. It's not just the updated functionality to the phone and new features that I'm looking forward to, it's the DEX on PC support,  where I can plug my phone in with a USB cable to my laptop and my phone becomes a computer on my computer. Note 9 has DEX built into the phone, so only a cord is needed to turn the device into a desktop experience. 

I've used DEX on a monitor or TV and like it a lot, and DEX itself will have improvements I've heard. But to be able to work from my phone and edit my YouTube videos on a larger screen quickly (and hopefully easily), with the mouse and keyboard of my computer, will be a pretty big thing. It will make a lot of tasks easier for me. 

My phone is currently on a December security patch, while I've read other phones models have received their February updates already. Small price to pay for such a great advancement. Well, just a few more days. At least I know it's definitely on the way now.



2/25/2020 9:50am
I am still waiting for the update. I read that T-Mobile was getting it on the 24th, then Sprint was the same. I am reading people are getting it, but it's not up on the Samsung official page for updates. 

My wife got the update on her S9 from Sprint yesterday--on the 24th. So I know this info is correct. It's just possible Note 9s are getting it in waves, or something. Maybe the ones who had this beta I've been reading about. 

I'll keep anyone who's reading this updated. 

2/26/2020 1:51pm

Frustrating that the Sprint S9 got the update before the Note 9. I have kept checking and it seems Sprint Note 9 users are supposedly getting it, I've read it's rolling out. But haven't read too much more than that. At least with searches. 

Let's just hope it will be soon. 

I've read on top of the DEX ON PC, it's got dark mode across apps, a screen recorder--which will be exciting to see if I can record using Skype, for those YouTube videos on the go. And Voice over LTE, or as I've seen it on other sites VoLTE. 

I'll keep checking and report as soon as I know. 


2/27/2020 5:57am 

I check many times during the day. I am still reading that it's being pushed, but maybe the Note 9 version is coming out slower. 

My wife hasn't said anything bad so far about the update on her S9, but she doesn't go into the features like I do. 

My one big reason for wanting this is the PC thing. 

Maybe today! 


2/28/2020 6:46am 

Four days later. This is so disappointing, but I'm used to these delays from my Blackberry days. It's exciting to wait and keep checking, but this time around I sort of am really anticipating the functionality of one particular part of this update. 

Eh, either way, as soon as it comes I'll post that I've received it. I assume beta testers will get it first, and I'm sure there's some sort of wave thing going on, so they can see if anything really bad happens before all of the Note 9 users have their phones bricked. 

Ah, that old term from Blackberry days. I miss those little devices. 

Either way, I'll post as soon as I hear anything. 


2/29/2020 4:08pm 

Okay, so yet another day without this freaking update. I've read other posts where people are saying it's late February. Haven't seen anything say early March, but at this point, if there is nothing pushed tonight, that might be the case. 

Sites are still saying that it has been pushed here--second paragraph, so it very well may be a wave thing. Very frustrating. But I know my wife's S9 received it the 24th, so I know there's some truth to this. And I'm still thinking they will probably push it to the beta testers first, as a thank you. 

Here's hoping it pops up soon. I'll keep you posted. 


3/2/2020 1:48am YES! 

Yes, I know. It's very early. I went to the rest room and thought, let me check. And BAM! 

I am downloading it as I type this! 

The Note 9 Android 10 update for Sprint is downloading now. 

I was going to do a post about an article I'd read where someone said it would be a week after the S9, and look. 

I'll post more soon! 

Check for the update! 


3/2/2020 12:54pm

So far this update has been great. The Transitions and maneuvering around the phone is very smooth. Later on I'm going to test out the DEX on PC and edit a YouTube video from my phone's video editor. The one I use is called Kinemaster.

I've tried it on DEX for a TV, and it was pretty good. But now I can use my mouse and keyboard from my computer. I'll let everyone know how that goes.

Here and there I've noticed a tiny fries, but it could be because I have so many tabs open on my browser. I'll continue to check. But I'm sure after one more update this will be just about perfect. I hope.



William said…
Hello. I've read about that method of downloading the update. I saw this post a bit late, sorry for that.

I figured the update had to be coming soon, then read it would be a week after the S9. It was sad seeing it stuck on the December security update. But it's here now and it's great. VoLTE is awesome. Tested it out this morning.


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