Pumpkinhead (semi movie review)
I am doing a story in an anthology called Monster Exist, and the monster I chose was Pumpkinhead. So I decided to watch it to have it's premise fresh in my mind.
The movie is about a country man who's son dies from a bunch of city kids out for a good time. Usual shit, right? But for such an old movie, this was done pretty well. The characters appeared shallow at first, but they morph into people with hearts.
The father summons the demon, after seeing a known witch to bring his son back, only she can't do that sort of magic. There is only one way.
While it may be considered a B-rated horror flick today, back then it had to have been a bit more than that. Because while there were some typical horror tropes, the story did well in keeping realistic and suspending disbelief.
Directed by Stan Winston, staring: Lance Heriksen, Jeff East, John D'Aquino, Kimberly Ross and others.
I will be writing a story based loosely off of the premise, with a Pumpkinhead-like thrown into the mix. If I had to describe the story, it has elements of Return of the Living dead, Stranger Things, Watchers--by Dean Koontz and maybe a little Robocop.
Expect it sometime in June or July with a line up that includes some big names in horror. To be published by Deadman's Tome. Follow them all on Twitter.
Wallace Boothill @WBoothill Theresa Braun @tbraun_author Sarah Budd @SjbuddJ Gary Buller @Garybuller S.E. CASEY @thesecasey Jessie Dedman @MrDeadmanDT Calvin Demmer @CalvinDemmer Kelly Evans @ChaucerBabe Philip Kleaver @pwkleaver Sylvie Mann @SylvieM1971
The movie is about a country man who's son dies from a bunch of city kids out for a good time. Usual shit, right? But for such an old movie, this was done pretty well. The characters appeared shallow at first, but they morph into people with hearts.
The father summons the demon, after seeing a known witch to bring his son back, only she can't do that sort of magic. There is only one way.
While it may be considered a B-rated horror flick today, back then it had to have been a bit more than that. Because while there were some typical horror tropes, the story did well in keeping realistic and suspending disbelief.
Directed by Stan Winston, staring: Lance Heriksen, Jeff East, John D'Aquino, Kimberly Ross and others.
I will be writing a story based loosely off of the premise, with a Pumpkinhead-like thrown into the mix. If I had to describe the story, it has elements of Return of the Living dead, Stranger Things, Watchers--by Dean Koontz and maybe a little Robocop.
Expect it sometime in June or July with a line up that includes some big names in horror. To be published by Deadman's Tome. Follow them all on Twitter.
Wallace Boothill @WBoothill Theresa Braun @tbraun_author Sarah Budd @SjbuddJ Gary Buller @Garybuller S.E. CASEY @thesecasey Jessie Dedman @MrDeadmanDT Calvin Demmer @CalvinDemmer Kelly Evans @ChaucerBabe Philip Kleaver @pwkleaver Sylvie Mann @SylvieM1971
William Marchese @Wcmarchese
John Palisano @johnpalisano
Christopher Powers @Powers1902
Leo Robertson @Leoxwrite
M.R.TAPIA @m_r_tapia
David Wilson @DMWilson206