Deadman's Tome Podcast (Recap)

WCM: William 

JD: Jessie Dedman from Deadman's Tome

WCM: Last night on the Deadman's Tome podcast we had some nonsense bantering, and discussed conspiracy theories. 

While some are proven to be true, it's important to be careful and watch out where you are getting the news from. 

JD: Mainstream media will not tell you that Disney is conditioning the children for drone surveillance. Disney aims at kids, and profits from prying on them. Now they're teaching them that it's cool and normal to have your privacy invaded! 

Why do you think this is happening? They don't want the kids to object to little shutterbugs flying around them, piloted by pedo pervs. Sick. Evil. But that's Disney. 

WCM: We also discussed if it is better to type fast, or slow. Sort of came to the conclusion that both can be good for different things. Like fast for getting info onto the page that you'd forget, and slow for being more in touch with the words. Choose them wisely, indeed. 

JD: Fast typing lowers the quality of prose. Writers dependent on speed typing don't take the time for the best word. Instead, they shit something out as they're taking a shit on the ivory throne. Some writers, will go back and revise their rushed out story. That seems like a balanced approach.

WCM: Another topic is how cell phones have made it easier to edit and write in the go. I'm literally banging this post out while warming the car to take care of errands. Nice. 

JD I'm banging my wife while writing this post. Very nice, indeed.


WCM: This episode was in video format, a little mix up we're testing. A lot of the things done for now are subtle tests, though, the organic, grass roots feel should never be neglected. After all, it's just a couple of guys shooting the shit and discussing writing and random things. 

JD: I used to use Live Hangouts for the podcast. A lot of people are used to checking their iTunes feed in the morning after. If we do more live streams, then I'll make an effort to upload the audio portion to Spreaker and iTunes. 

WCM: Sounds good to me. 

Until next week. 


WCM and JD


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