Deadman's Tome Podcast (Recap)

WCM -- William Marchese
JD -- Jessie Dedman

WCM: (Sometime after the show) I lay here, eyes set on the ceiling, I think crazy thoughts. Len plays on the speakers. "Steal my sunshime!" The world spins. 

JD: (Last night into morning) After downing a bottle of wine and several glasses of Jack, I crashed into a drunken slumber. I woke to the sound of my son shouting dad over and over again. I thought it would go away, but the moment of silence was followed by a sudden body slam. My son was on my back beating my head like a bongo.

WCM: And I wake up this morning and the Coronas don't hold my mind captive any more. See that trick of time? A Motrin and I'm good to go. 

JD: My mind is free from any hangover, but the responsibility of being the best dad ever is not. Busy life in this household. 

WCM: Last night we had a day-late show due to personal issues, but we persevered. 

We talked about cursing, or as Jessie says, "cussing." How laziness it brings can equate to writing. And a story I wrote about last Wednesday on artificial Wombs.

JD you're beating around the bush. You know you want to say it. I can't stop from cussing. I spoke about Trump and then shit spewed out from my mouth! Now I'm at Gary's mercy. Jesus Christ. 

WCM: Haha, yes. Now lets see what Gary has in store for you. You naughty boy.

Also, you can find the show on Spreaker or YouTube. 

Until next week. 

WCM and JD


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