New Year New Post

It's been a bit. The new year and holidays mixed with cold whether a d the ailments that go with that have teamed up with other creative outlets and thus this blog has been neglected.

Until now.

I did post a couple of shows that were done on the YouTube channel, but it's not the same as a regular post.

I think I have figured out what to post on here, though there will be times when it's just thoughts. The "major" posts I'll announce on the social circuit. I'll come back to that thought at another time. 

Hopefully my SEO game has stepped up a bit, too.

New year new endeavors.

I've been writing but have been tossing things I don't fully like aside and starting new stories. Going to try and push that a bit harder, because you never know what you may not like someone else could love. 

Typing this out on my phone I see comma symbol and quotation marks are still not straight. I have to press backwards to get them to straighten. On the desktop version it just does it with a toggle switch. Minor annoyance, but what can you do.

About to step into work now oh, so I will leave you with these words. Do your thing.

Be back soon.



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