Friday Musings 5/12/2017

The writers of today, i'm challenging you. You don't have to just be horror. No. This goes out to all of you.

A story so real, so vivid that you draw the reader in. What makes that happen? What small part of the story has to be tweaked to make it great. It's a formula that has an answer. 

Can you?

I want to strive to write like this. I want my story to be so real you are sucked in, hopelessly. I don't want you to say, damn this is good, great, no. I want you to not be able to let go of the paper/device (however you read these days.)

Can you make the reader feel emotion--no, really feel emotion? Constructing a concise string of words so as to evoke that feeling from the reader?

Earn a blurb that says "You'll be under the covers, biting your nails. Peeking from beneath your blanket." HAHA! 

Do people really do that when they read horror? Not sure, but some stories might illicit a glance at the bedroom door, maybe a noise was heard after a paragraph. Who knows. 

But that's what I want to see. Thoughts and scenes implanted surgically, subliminally into your mind to where one can't think of anything else but that story and that world that has been created. 

I'm currently working on a few things, one being a second bout of a project called Hobo chapbooks from Unnerving Magazine. I had finished the first story, melded with an old short story Eddie Generous had laying around, and now am working on another of his stories with fellow co-writer Gary Buller. 

I am also, along with about 14 other writers, working on a story for a huge anthology titled Monsters Exist. This is a huge project pulling together some of the best upcoming and established writers in the horror genre. And I am not just saying that. You will be hearing a lot more in the coming weeks about that one. A lot more... 

So think about this weeks musings... I will. And I will strive to achieve all I've said. Now i'm going to go and write. Maybe you should, too. Or read. Or create. Or whatever makes you you. 

Don't forget to follow and comment below. Please, each follow a writer gets his/her pen. 



Anonymous said…
It's all about characters for me. That is why I love King. His characters live and breathe. The truly great stories have great characters that make you feel. This, in my opinion, is what separates the good writers from the truly great ones.
Anonymous said…
It's all about characters for me. It is what sets apart the good writers from the great, especially with novels. I need a character that speaks to me, that lives through the page. King is the master of character, in my opinion.
Unknown said…

Peculiar article, exactly what I wanted to find. msn hotmail sign in

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