Deadman's Tome Show (Recap)

William The Dynamite Marchese (WCM): The Deadman's Tome show happened a day late, but we still had an action-packed episode. Jesse Dedman (JD): This was the episode I’ve been wanting to do for some time now. We were able to take J Nathan Couch from his cryptid investigation to share with us some major truth bombs. I started the show very doubtful of a thing called Goat Man, but now, honestly, I’m wondering if there’s not some horny goat man stalking lover’s lane. WCM: We drank, we cursed (though, not as much as usual,) and we learned about criptids and the paranormal. JD: Drinking is mandatory. Did I really not cuss that much? Did not notice. Dude, we learned so much: Haunted assholes, paranormal lovemaking, and even Goatman sex. Nathan Couch said it himself that a woman reported that she was kidnapped by witches and was forced to have sex with the Goatman... WCM: Next week we will have another awesome episode with a ghost hunter, who will talk about his adventures and what lies ahead for his career. JD: I can’t wait. I want to go into the deep end of paranormal stuff. I want to get so heavy in it that I see shadows during the show! If you like what you hear, please subscribe and go to the links below. Podcast: WCM and JD


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