Puerto Rico, One of My Special Places

I am currently in Puerto Rico. 

A very beautiful island. 

Maria is still showing it's effects even a year later, but for the most part (from what I've seen) it seems to be back to normal. 

Some lights are still out, and a few street lights and traffic lights weren't working, but for the most part it's up and running again. 

I did notice there seem to be less people, but from what I've read a lot of the locals have left the island. 

Boarded up houses and overgrown weeds and grass ate up quite a few houses. I've seen these before, just more now. 

The more I visit the more I get used to it, but the island still holds the beauty and mystique it's always held.  

Where I'm staying in the mountains, there is a shopping center down the hill. I had glimpses before from the house, but now you can see a lot more due to the trees that were knocked down from the storm. 

New greenery has grown back. A new start. It still holds the mystery and energy I'm going to tap into to write while I'm on vacation. 

Lets see what I can do. 

Do you have a place you go to that gives you a special feeling? 

Leave a comment below, or on Twitter HERE

Hope to see you there. 



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