Looking Back and Going Forward

Ending Path
Ending Path? Or
New Beginings? 
I've been looking here and there at the older posts and fixing up issues. Maybe a random misspelling, or something that made no sense. The older posts where the YouTube video dimensions weren't full--I figured out how to do that later through HTML. 

I've been going back as I see what videos are being looked at through analytics, because if I went back with everything, that would be a feat in a half. And let me tell you, some OLD posts are being looked at. 


I've been going about the gaming channel through the lens of having some time and I noticed a lot of others are doing it as well. So I'll do it for fun and see where it goes. I wanted to start playing a little again, so this is my opportunity to do so and maybe start something in the process. 

Who knows. 

It's fun to make the thumbnails. I get to use my art past. Some of it isn't easy, because I take screen shots of a part in the game and have to blank out the pic of me in the bottom left and other things on the screen and rebuild those backgrounds so it looks like just a picture--where the art comes in. Then I add a few finishing touches. 

Anything I add I cut out with details. I know some use an app to take the background out, but sometimes you miss little things. I like going through it with my program and the erasers they give. With my phone's pen I zoom in and cut cut cut. 

I've been recording some videos of editing and maybe I'll do one where I show how I make my thumbnails. Or I like to call them billboards. Posters? I don't know. All I know is I don't always use the same tactics. You just get the feeling when you're in the thick of it. 

It would be a lot usually. I find I haven't been able to sleep too well at night, I guess for obvious reasons, so I use this time to go over a few things. 

But yeah, looking back, I cringe, I sigh, and then I get to work and try to tidy things up a bit. 

I mean, I don't want to alter anything. As I've said before, I want the past there to see the progression and whatever choices I decide to make and where they go. 

You know, sometimes you see a path that seems to end, but get to the point, it may just be something, like a tree, blocking the path going forward. 

Talk soon. 



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