Supermarket Rant
Going to the supermarket is like one of those movies where you get suited up to go into an infected building. A building with food and drink.
It wouldn't be so bad if people followed rules. Not that anyone is wrong, I guess. But one is saying follow the arrows, others don't listen. And others do something totally different.
Some ask to walk by you, while others get up close.
I'm like, come on!
Make some rules and go by them.
Other than that, it sometimes feels like one of those game shows where you're given a certain amount of money and asked to go into the supermarket and grab as much as you can before the timer runs out haha.
Well. I can say one thing. When I take the mask off the air actually tastes good. Sweet. Makes you realize how much we take things for granted.
If anything, I hope people realize this was a wake up call. Not for corruption and politics and all that hoopla.But a wake up call for life and what should be held dear to them while they still have it.
Oh, and what the heck is up with the toilet paper!?
It wouldn't be so bad if people followed rules. Not that anyone is wrong, I guess. But one is saying follow the arrows, others don't listen. And others do something totally different.
Some ask to walk by you, while others get up close.
I'm like, come on!
Make some rules and go by them.
Other than that, it sometimes feels like one of those game shows where you're given a certain amount of money and asked to go into the supermarket and grab as much as you can before the timer runs out haha.
Well. I can say one thing. When I take the mask off the air actually tastes good. Sweet. Makes you realize how much we take things for granted.
If anything, I hope people realize this was a wake up call. Not for corruption and politics and all that hoopla.But a wake up call for life and what should be held dear to them while they still have it.
Oh, and what the heck is up with the toilet paper!?